Highlight Agents contain different tasks, or modules, such as performance testing for HTTP and Flow collection. Each agent connects back to the main Highlight platform using a secure, encrypted connection.
The Admin Agents page in Highlight allows you to manage the agents you use. You’ll need to create each agent in Highlight before installing it in your network. Note: each agent exists in the folder it’s created in and can then be selected for use in that folder or any beneath it. Unless you’re a Service Provider setting up agents for your customers, we recommend creating agents in your home (Root) folder.
The Agents page will refresh every 60 seconds by default or this can be switched off
The Auto-Refresh and Show in subfolders settings will be remembered when you next log in
Show in subfolders
By default, the list of agents only shows those in the current folder. Check this to view and manage agents in this folder and all folders below it, a useful option if you’re managing a large folder structure.
Create new...
Use to tell Highlight about a new agent or agent group you’re creating
Download the agent server software, required for setting up a Highlight agent on a server
Agent groups
Agent groups are used when planning resilience, allowing both agents in a group to independently poll their assigned Highlight folder(s). Groups may have one or more agents, the first listed being the primary agent which is used for tech testing, for example.
New Agent Group
Use after entering a name to create the new agent group
Connectivity alerts
If one agent in a group used for polling cannot contact individual devices, Highlight sends a weekly notification to those email addresses in the agents' Notify field. The email will be sent on a Tuesday morning UTC, and will include the total number of watches for which there has been at least 24 hours of good samples received from one poller but only bad samples from the other. IP/Name details will be included for up to 200 watches, split between those not contactable by poller 1 and those not contactable by poller 2. See example below.
Alerting is enabled by default. Uncheck "Connectivity alerts" to stop receiving these alert emails.
Sample agent connectivity alert email
Edit Agent Group
This dialog is opened using to the right of each group name.
Use after altering an existing agent group name
An agent group can only be deleted if it does not contain any agents. Move agents to another group or to Unassigned to delete the group.
To assign an Agent group to a folder refer to Agent selection below
Agents table
For each existing agent, you can see the following options:
State: an agent is activated when it communicates for the first time
agent is communicating and enabled
agent has not activated or is not communicating
agent has activated but is not enabled
Name: shows the agent name as assigned by a user
Defined: shows the Inheritance Icon and full path
the agent is inherited from the root folder or
the agent is created in a folder with the full path shown
Use to view details on the agent such as the notify email address or to delete an agent Use to access agent tools for ping, traceroute and to view assignment details (see section below)
Agent ID: a Highlight generated identifier
Last contact: agents attempt to make contact every 10 seconds. This field displays coloured text showing the period of time since contact was made:
if contact made within the last 3 minutes (e.g. <1 min)
if no contact for 3 or more minutes (e.g. 2 hours)
if there's never been contact (displays Never)
enabled (green toggle)
disabled (red toggle)
Create new agent
Displays this dialog:
Agent icon
agent is communicating and enabled
agent has not activated or is not communicating
agent has activated but is not enabled
Enabled or Disabled, a message shows which user last enabled this agent and when
any text that helps you identify this agent, which may include the hostname for example. This field is required.
one or more email addresses (separated with a comma) to receive alerts from Highlight should this agent go off-line or stop responding. Highlight will only send alerts for activated, enabled agents. See the agent notification sample emails section below. This field is required and an actively monitored email address is highly recommended to ensure the agent gets prompt attention if down. If the agent is one of a pair in an agent group used for polling, Highlight also sends a weekly email to the Notify address(es) for watches that are only accessible from one of the agents in the group.
Notify after
by default, alerts are sent after 30 minutes and again after another 30 minutes. This can be adjusted down in 5 minute intervals to receive quicker notification.
at creation an agent will be Unassigned by default or if assigned to an existing group, the option to Make Primary will also become available. The first agent listed in a group is the designated primary agent, which is used for technical testing and marked with when the agent is edited. Typically a group also has one secondary agent although further agents are permitted if used for flow collection.
Defined In
shows the Inheritance Icon and full path from the folder level where the agent is installed
the agent is inherited from the root folder or
the agent is created in a folder with the full path shown
Click brings up the Edit Agent window which contains a single use Activation Code. You need to copy and paste this code into the agent installation dialog on the intended server. Note: the activation code is only visible once. If you require the code again it will need to be regenerated using Reset and entered into the agent dialog on the server.
To assign an Agent to a folder refer to Agent selection below
Edit agent
To edit an agent click anywhere on the line or on .
Activated or Not activated to indicate if the agent is activated or not
use to reset the activation code. Note: this will cause an existing active device to go inactive
Activation Code
displayed only after clicking for a new agent or Reset for an existing agent, this code needs to be entered into the agent dialog on the server
Communicating or Not communicating to indicate if the agent is communicating or not
Last contact
shows the last agent contact date and time; for a communicating agent contact is continuous but the time only updates when the dialog is opened
Host details: this area is updated once a day if the agent is enabled and contact made. It shows
Last update
shows the date and time of the most recent agent contact, typically this updates once a day
shows the agent's name if contact has been made
IP addresses
shows the agent's IP addresses if contact has been made
OS version
shows version (for example, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard) if contact has been made
shows the first processor found (if more than one) and the number of cores
shows how much memory is installed
Use to save any changes to an existing agent
Use with caution as deleting an agent may mean Highlight can no longer collect and show data for any associated watches. See the agent tools section below - the Assignment tab shows which folders are using a particular agent. Deletion of an agent cannot be undone.
Agent selection
To use an agent or agent group in Highlight requires two separate actions - creating the agent/group, then telling Highlight where to use that agent/group to do a particular job. This gives you a lot of flexibility in how agents are used.
To assign an agent or group to a folder, select the folder in Network Explorer and from Admin Browse, and select to edit
Edit Folder Agent Selection
Settings are inherited, so if you select an agent in one folder, those settings will apply to all folders beneath it unless locally overridden.
You can tell Highlight to use a given agent for any combination of Poller & WiFi, Flow and Controller collection.
Selecting "No collection" hides all agents and groups
Poller & WiFi and Controller tabs
No collection
Don't poll any watches under this folder
Defined locally
Select this option to override any inherited settings and specify one (or more) agents/agent groups to be available for use as the Poller.
Inherit from [folder]
This is the default and means this folder will inherit the settings from a folder somewhere above it in the tree. The inherited settings will be shown in the list below for information. To change it, select Defined locally.
More than one agent or group may be selected on the Poller & WiFi and Controller tabs
Changing the default poller could cause Highlight to stop collecting data. Only make changes which are fully understood. Contact us for assistance if required.
A blue star indicates this is the default poller to be used for each watch in this folder. This can be overridden for individual bearer watches using Edit watch.
An empty star appears when you hover on a selected agent or agent group. Click the star to make the selection default. See Poller & WiFi tab image above.
Flow collection
No collection
Don't collect Flow data for this folder - any Flow watches that are configured under this folder will not be notified to the agent, so flows received by the agent are ignored
Defined locally
Select this option to override any inherited settings and specify which agents and/or groups can collect Flow. These agents will be notified by Highlight of any Flow watches configured beneath this folder and process Flow data received.
Inherit from [folder]
This is the default and means this folder will inherit the settings from a folder somewhere above it in the tree. The inherited settings (i.e. the selected agent, if there is one) will be shown in the list below for information. To change it, select Defined locally.
More than one agent or group may be selected on the Flow collection tab
Agent tools
How to open the agent tools dialog
Agent tools are useful for troubleshooting from within Highlight.
Agent Tools - IP Tools tab - Ping
IP Tools tab
Enter a hostname or IP address and select Ping or Traceroute - buttons are disabled until a valid target is entered and while waiting for results
Verify the target is reachable and return results including average time taken to reach the target
Trace the route to the target and return results showing up to 30 hops
Agent Tools - IP Tools tab - Traceroute
Assignment tab
Review this tab to determine which folders are using this agent. See the agent selection section above for how to change which agent is in use for a folder.
Agent Tools - Assignment tab
Agent notification sample emails
Initial agent offline email
Note: 30 minutes is the default notification period for both the initial and secondary email. An admin user can adjust these down in 5 minute intervals to receive quicker notification. See the Notify after field in the create new agent section above.
Subject: Highlight Agent Agent101 has been offline for 32m From: noreply@highlight.net Time: 2021-07-28 11:02:02 UTC Agent: RYNKSZ Agent Group: Hostname: AGENT101-Desktop Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro IP Addresses:
Last Contact: 32m (2021-07-28 10:30:00 UTC)
This could be because of a network or server failure. Please check the system and connectivity.
Highlight will send you an email when an agent is offline for 30m, and a another email if the agent remains offline for a further 30m. You will receive another email when the Agent comes back online.
You are receiving this email because your email address is the notify address for Highlight Agent "Agent101". If you require any further assistance please contact support@highlight.net.
Second and final agent offline email
Subject: Highlight Agent Agent101 has been offline for 182m From: noreply@highlight.net Time: 2021-07-28 13:32:00 UTC Agent: RYNKSZ Agent Group: Hostname: AGENT101-Desktop Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro IP Addresses:
Last Contact: 182m (2021-07-28 10:30:00 UTC)
This could be because of a network or server failure. Please check the system and connectivity.
This is the last email you will receive until the Agent comes back online.
You are receiving this email because your email address is the notify address for Highlight Agent "Agent101". If you require any further assistance please contact support@highlight.net.
Agent online email
Subject: Highlight Agent Agent101 is online again From: noreply@highlight.net Time: 2021-07-28 13:42:00 UTC Agent: RYNKSZ Agent Group: Hostname: DESKTOP-30T3A7T Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro IP Addresses:
Last Contact: 0s (online)
Highlight Agent "Agent101" is online again after being offline for 192m.
You are receiving this email because your email address is the notify address for Highlight Agent "Agent101". If you require any further assistance please contact support@highlight.net.