The Network Explorer comprises folders and locations. Folders may contain other folders and/or locations. Only those with the permission Manage folders/locations will be able to complete these steps.
Select the containing folder from the Network Explorer panel.
From the Admin tab, click Browse, click + Create New... and select Folder. Note: if Folder is not listed, ensure the required parent folder is selected in the Network Explorer tree
The following dialog appears with the fields explained below:
Folder name
Enter the folder name, which may contain spaces and does not need to be unique
Default Time zone
Optionally select a time zone which will initally apply to new subfolders and locations created in this folder; if unchanged the default time zone is inherited from the parent folder
If shown, select Internal Group for a service provider folder, Customer otherwise
Customer Reference
An optional reference of up to 100 characters can be set on a Customer folder. This reference will then be applied to every watch in this folder and any subfolders (unless overridden) and can be shown in Reporting.
Store details
Edit a folder
Edit the selected folder using the cog to the left of the folder icon.
1. Main tab
Editing an Internal folder (left) or a Customer folder (right)
Folder name
Edit the folder name if required
Default Time zone
(Optional) Select a time zone which will initally apply to new subfolders and locations created in this folder; if unchanged the default time zone is inherited from the parent folder
Contact name
(Optional) If available select a user from those created in this folder. The contact name will be sent an email (from the address) when a watch is activated via the Admin Pending page.
If shown, select Internal Group for a service provider folder, Customer otherwise
Customer Reference
An optional reference of up to 100 characters can be set on a Customer folder. This reference will then be applied to every watch in this folder and any subfolders (unless overridden) and can be shown in Reporting.
Agent Selection
Refer to the Agent selection page for details on assigning an agent or agent group as a Flow collector, for Web testing, or as a Poller.
Alerting Thresholds
Set thresholds for WiFi, Bearers, Classes and Broadband. See the Alerting Thresholds page for further details
2. Business Hours tab
Highlight uses business hours when displaying traffic trend graphics, for filtering report results, and when generating alerts.
See the Business Hours page for further details on the settings involved.
3. Features tab
Use this tab to enable or control features, such as SLA reporting and AppVis.
Settings on a parent folder are inherited in subfolders unless overridden.
Users with the Manage folders/locations permission can see the Features tab but not enable or disable SLA Now unless they also have the Edit watches permission. Users without the Edit watches permission will see the message You don't have permission to change this
This section is only visible if AppVis is enabled for this folder. Setting this folder as an application domain means AppVis applications can be assigned to groups which will be visible in this folder and in any subfolders. The check box is disabled if an application domain is already set in a parent folder. If you have visibility of that folder Defined in shows the path to that parent folder.
4. CCD tab
If displayed, this tab provides the means to set the class names of interest for Highlight to autodiscover and report on.
See the Define Classes section on the Class Autodiscovery page for further information about class discovery.
See the CCD page for full details on the settings involved.
5. Domain tab
If this folder is a domain, then you see the domain name, URL(s), and whether switching to other domains is allowed. Contact us if you are interested in domains.
Sample About panel from Home page and User menu/side bar
The dialog enables you to edit the specific company information which is accessed from
Contact provider
On the home page
Domain contact details
From the user menu/side bar
Provider logo
On the Details page
The fields in this dialog are optional but, if empty, the panel will also be empty.
About company
an optional free-text field - the contents appears in the main body of the About panel
Support phone
an optional number you'd like your users to contact for help
Support email
an optional email address
Override and Revert
If the word Override is showing and the input fields are greyed out, this means the current settings are inherited from a folder further up the tree structure.
To alter the inherited values for this folder and any subfolders, click Override and change the text.
If the word Revert is showing and the input fields are editable, this means the current settings are locally defined in this folder.
To return to the parent folder settings, click Revert and
Edit a folder Authentication tab
Highlight supports multi-factor authentication and single sign-on through a process called Federated Authentication where password authentication is handed off to a third-party OAuth directory (typically Microsoft Azure AD).
Authentication tab
Users with both the Manage folders/locations and Manage authentication permissions can edit the Authentication tab
Use this tab for administering federated authentication (SSO) on a folder. This applies to all users at this folder level and below.
Enabled or Disabled, disabled keeps the information in Highlight but not applied
Currently the only option is OIDC
Enter a unique name for the authentication provider. The name can be up to 50 characters including a-z, 0-9 and dash. The name will be stored in lower case. This field is required.
Authority URL
Enter a valid Https URL up to 1024 characters for an OIDC provider. If Highlight cannot acquire a discovery document for the URL entered, then the URL is not recognised as an OIDC provider. This field is required.
Client ID
Enter up to 50 characters for the Client ID. This field is required.
Client Secret
This can be up to 1024 characters and is obscured on input. This field is required.
Email domains
Enter a comma-separated list of domain names up to 2048 characters in total. This field is required.
New users
Create Highlight account for unknown users Check to have Highlight automatically create these accounts if the user has not previously logged in but has passed the authentication checks by the third-party provider. This is useful as new staff joining an organisation will be able to log into Highlight with no other admin intervention. Auto-created users have no expiry date and the standard permissions (which include viewing heat tiles and details page, creating alerts and running reports). Extra admin permissions can be granted by other admin users if required.
Create a location
Select the containing folder from the Network Explorer panel.
From the Admin tab, click Browse, click + Create New... and select Location
The following dialog appears with the fields explained below:
Location name
Enter the location name, which may contain spaces and does not need to be unique. Maximum length 100 characters.
Time zone
The default is inherited from the parent folder. Use the drop-down to change the country/time zone for this location. This field is used in the Details page to select the time zone view. Contact us if you do not find the country or time zone you need.
Site availability
SLA target %. An optional field, used in Reporting to compare actual site availability with this SLA. Enter a number between 0 and 100 with up to 3 decimal places, such as 99.999
Edit the selected location using the cog to the left of the location icon.
The following dialog appears with the fields explained below:
1. Main tab
Location name
Edit the location name if needed, which may contain spaces and does not need to be unique. Maximum length 100 characters.
Time zone
Select from the drop-down list. This field is used in the Details page to select the time zone view.
Site availability
SLA target %. An optional field, used in Reporting to compare actual site availability with this SLA. Enter a number between 0 and 100 with up to 3 decimal places, such as 99.999 If SLA Now is disabled on the Features tab of a parent folder, then this field will not be available to edit.
Alerting Thresholds
Set thresholds for WiFi, Bearers, Classes and Broadband. See the Alerting Thresholds page for further details
Delete any watches, pending watches and users before a location can be deleted
Store details
For SD-WAN: Location name is shown throughout Highlight if different from the autodiscovered name Find out more about SD-WAN
SD-WAN locations
Autodiscovered name is auto-generated on creation of an SD-WAN controller. Autodiscovered name cannot be changed in Highlight. Autodiscovered names differ for supported vendors and use the following information:
Cisco Meraki: Network name (these update if changed in the Meraki dashboard)
Cisco Catalyst: "Site " followed by the Site ID
Fortinet: Device name
Location name initially matches the autodiscovered name but can be changed. The location name displays everywhere in Highlight instead of the autodiscovered name if it has been changed. Use to revert the location name to the autodiscovered name.
2. Business Hours tab
Highlight uses business hours when displaying traffic trend graphics, for filtering report results, and when generating alerts.
See the Business Hours page for further details on the settings involved.