This page explains how to add individual watches into Highlight. For service providers with a requirement to add multiple watches (10 or more) there is an alternative process which is explained on the bulkloading watches page.
Select the point in the Network Explorer tree (or using Admin Browse) where the new watch will be created. This must be a location or a folder which contains one or more locations.
There are two options to create a new watches:
1. Under the Admin Browse, click Create New and select Watch
Or 2. Under Admin Pending, click Create Watch
The Edit Pending Watch dialog is used to edit a watch before it is made live. The path to the folder is shown along with the group (if applicable). There are 5 areas:
Test Results (visible immediately after a test only)
Watch Status (visible after a test and the watch has been saved and reopened)
Progress Log (visible after a test and the watch has been saved and reopened)
It's possible to save the details at any point. You can return to this dialog at any time to complete the process.
1. Main
Watch Name
this is a required field which uniquely identifies the watch; it must not exceed 100 characters in length. Valid characters are A-z 0-9 . - _ + ! $ # @ =
select the required location from the drop-down list if not already displayed
this is optional and is displayed in Highlight in place of the watch name
Watch Type
bandwidth options available will change based on the type selected, see the table below:
Product Type
this is an optional text field which is limited to 20 characters and enables service providers to display the service name for a watch rather than the Highlight default name, for example FTTC instead of ADSL.
see GIF and table below
Reference is optional and may be useful for customer specific information, for example Purchase Order
Choose bandwidth from drop-down list or enter any value (GIF)
Both bandwidth fields are required. Start typing and select a bandwidth from the displayed list. Alternatively enter any whole number with one of the following units:
b/B: bits per second
k/K: kilobits per second
m/M: megabits per second
g/G: gigabits per second
t/T: terabits per second
Watch Type
Bandwidth 1
Bandwidth 2
Leased Line (Dedicated Access, Ethernet)
On bearer of
Leased Line + Class of Service (MPLS)
On bearer of
On bearer of
Asymmetric Line
Broadband Clarity
2. Technical
The options available in this section will change based on which protocol (SNMPv2 or SNMPv3) is selected. It's possible to save the watch without completing this section but it will not be possible to test nor activate it.
These fields are common between all protocols:
Device IP
the device IP address
Selected Interface
if an interface has previously been selected, it will be shown
If your device only supports SNMPv1, select SNMPv2 and Highlight will fall back to using the older protocol when it finds that SNMPv2 doesn’t work.
Community String
can contain any characters except spaces
must be between 8 and 32 characters and may not contain ,\' and “
Auth protocol
MD5 (default) or SHA1
Auth key
must be between 8 and 32 characters and may not contain ,\' and "
Priv protocol
DES (default) or AES 128
Priv key
must be between 8 and 32 characters and may not contain ,\' and "
After all options are completed, the watch can be tested
3. Test Results
After clicking you may briefly see the message Testing...
After a successful test, you will be prompted to choose an interface (Note: it's also possible to save the watch without choosing an interface.) Immediately after interface selection, you will see Test successful
Clicking on Details will show additional details related to the test.
After clicking if you then edit the watch, Watch Status and Progress Log will now be visible.
Note: the interface list for Draytek devices may contain duplicate names. The interface number will be displayed as a suffix to distinguish between them, for example: WAN2 [5]. Select the lowest interface number.
4. Watch Status
Order Management has two possible states which can be changed by those who have the security privilege Approve New Watches checked in the Add/Edit User dialog:
Not Approved
Technical Test has three possible states in this dialog:
Test successful
Test failed
Interface not selected meaning no interface was selected following a successful test or no interfaces were listed for selection
Test in progress, meaning the test has started but not yet completed, is only seen when testing more than one watch so will not appear in this dialog
5. Progress Log
This is a list of automatically added events such as: