This charts three types of availability events. Hover on the chart to see timestamp and additional details:
typically outages, these have a duration and impact availability
events removed through planned maintenance or manual exclusion with SLA Now
events which do not impact availability
The Line Availability section provides additional detail about the coloured blips on the Availability lines. The Event list can also be used to exclude specific events from Highlight's availability calculations. This is useful if a maintenance period occurred but was not scheduled in advance or if an incident happened which was not the fault of the service provider. Highlight will show Operational and Adjusted availability figures in the Summary and the SLA Compliance report.
Download the information to a CSV file to see all events for the selected time period (day, week or month) and any comments on events. The list is not affected by any Event list filter or by zooming in on the chart.
An example CSV download
In the CSV download, events which have been excluded show:
Impacting Duration
as entered by the user who excluded or included the event
An example CSV download of a single excluded event
Sidebar options and colour coding
Line Availability with all optionsLine Availability Events check boxes
The options below are all checked by default, uncheck to remove the events on each line from the chart. This also removes them from the Event list. Read more about each event type in the Availability event details section below.
Impacting (3)
The number in brackets after each event type indicates how many of that event have occurred in the selected time period (day, week or month). In the image, there were a total of 3 impacting events comprised of 1 brief outage and 2 down events. The numbers in brackets cover the entire time period and do not change if unchecked or when the chart is zoomed in.
To reduce clutter on smaller screens, the top level checkboxes cannot be expandedLine Availability top level check box states
A line in any top checkbox indicates a mix of checked and unchecked sub-checkboxes
Event list
Unchecked by default, check to see more details for each event during the selected time period - read more about the event list in the section below
If you click, hold and drag across the chart to zoom in then this button appears in the top right of the chart - click to revert to the full time period
Colour coding
Sidebar Colour CodingCollapsed Sections
Today only
When viewed for today only, the sidebar for each section on the Details page gives an indication if it is currently impacting the associated heat tile colour. This applies for collapsed sections also.
Saved settings
The settings below will be remembered when you next log in.
Whether the panel is collapsed or expanded
The status of all checkboxes
Line Availability description
Download all events for the selected time period to a CSV file - see separate section above
Horizontal axis
Adjusts according to the selected time period to show "hours" in day view and "days" in week and month views; redraws if the time zone is changed at the top right of the Details page
Zoom options
Drag: click, hold and drag across the chart to zoom into a time period; repeat if needed. The Event list matches the zoomed in time period. if complete Note: all new chart types are synchronised so they zoom in and out together Click: on a week or month view, click on the chart to jump to that specific day view
Highlight displays events in the time period:
Shows all events for the day
Shows each hour with events on different lines within the same hour shown
Shows each 4 hour period with events on different lines within the same 4 hours shown
For week and month, the first event in the time segment is shown. Full details are shown on the day view.
Hover on a point to see date, timestamp and precise values
From week or month view: clicking any data point jumps to the selected day view
Line Availability Summary
For each event type, total duration for the time period (day, week or month) selected are shown. These are not affected by any Event list filter or by zooming in on the chart.
Total event durations by type:
a cumulative duration of all events in the selected time period split into:
Operational availability:
the percentage of time this watch was available in the time period; this will not include time before the device was activated nor outages during maintenance.
Adjusted availability:
the availability figure which is calculated using non-excluded impacting events. If no events are manually excluded, operational and impacting availability figures match. Refer to the Event list: Exclude events from availability calculations section below for details on how to exclude impacting events.
Operational and adjusted availability correspond to the figures shown in the SLA Compliance report for the same period.
Event list: General
Event list
Unchecked by default, check to see more details for each event during the selected time period
Line Availability Event List
This list provides additional detail about the coloured blips (known as events). For the selected time period (day, week or month) each event shows its type, the time and date it occurred, the event details, duration and if it is impacting the availability figure or not.
The header shows Showing X of Y events where Y is the total number of events for the time period including events in maintenance. X is a reduced number if filters are applied.
Download the information to a CSV file to see all events and any comments - read more about the Download option in the section above
By default, events are sorted by date and time with the most recent event at the top. This can be reversed or you can sort by any of the column headers:
Events are impacting, excluded, maintenance or non-impacting
Sort by event start time [default]
Event Details
An alphabetical sort of events
An alphabetical sort of comments (only relevant on excluded events)
Show longest duration events first or last
Sort by impacting or non impacting
Use the Search events field to show specific Event Details and comments. If an incident number is reliably included with a comment, you can search for it.
Searching the Line Availability Event List
Click, hold and drag to zoom in on the chart which also reduces the events shown in the list.
Zooming in on the Line Availability chart reduces the Event List. Notice Showing 3 of 9 events after the zoom.
Event list: Exclude events from availability calculations
Users with the permission to Manage maintenance have two ways to exclude an outage from Highlight's availability calculations:
1. Before the event - set up a maintenance window
Refer to the Help & Support Centre for details on creating containers and putting them into maintenance
Purple background areas on the chart show current and past maintenance periods. Watches in maintenance do not send alerts nor change the colour of heat tiles.
2. After the event - exclude an outage
Check boxes and comment field only available if the parent folder has SLA Now enabled on the Features tab and the user has Manage maintenance permission
Notice the following in the above GIF:
Only events on the impacting line can be excluded
You can select more than one event at a time
A comment is required to enable the button
After exclusion:
The red impacting icon in the Event list turns to a grey exclusion icon
The comment is added to all events excluded at the same time
The impacting icon changes from impacting to non impacting
On the chart, the excluded events move from the impacting line to the exclusions line
In the Summary, the Adjusted availability figure increases whilst the Operational availability figure is unchanged
Events can only be excluded if the parent folder has SLA Now enabled on the Features tab and the user has Manage maintenance permission
Check one or more impacting events then add a comment and select this button
To reverse exclusions, check those events which have previous been excluded (indicated with ), add a replacing comment and select this button
A comment is required each excluded event. We recommend including an incident number in the comment. This can then be searched for using the text filter in the dialog, in the CSV download or in the Audit log.
Event exclusions are recorded in the Audit Log against the watch with details of which user made the change, any comment and when.
Events which have been excluded have the following characteristics:
the non-impacting indicator
the duration of the event will be faded, for example 4h 42m
and either
the maintenance icon which shows "Event occurred whilst watch in maintenance" on hover
the grey excluded icon with
the indicator with comment in the Comment column
In the CSV download, events which have been excluded show:
Impacting Duration
as entered by the user who excluded or included the event
An example CSV download of a single excluded event
The number of exclusions made and adjusted availability show in the SLA Compliance report with a red background if the availability figure is less than the SLA target.
Availability event details
Affects the Stability metric
The impacting line shows how available your connection has been. Availability is worked out as a percentage of the day, week or month that the watch was monitored. Several issues will cause outages which are shown as coloured blips on this line and decrease the availability percentage.
Event list Show event list for a full list of issues and outages, with exact timestamp and duration
Note: Ongoing and not contactable blips can be custom configured to be included in Total outages or not. This is set by the service provider at a folder level and inherited by subfolders unless overridden. If excluded from total outages, then the duration is shown in grey text to indicate it is excluded from the total outages figure and does not affect Operational availability.
The entries you may see are summarised in this table with full details below:
Blip Colour
Effect in Highlight
Included in Total outages?
Transient or brief outages
Decrements stability
Circuit reported as down, or period of non-contact ends in a device restart
Stability previously decremented (only red after contact re-established)
Circuit taken out of service
Decrements stability
Device configuration changed
No effect
Device restarted, powered off/on
No effect
Unknown event type
No effect
No data, device not contactable or monitored interface does not exist
Stability previously decremented (only blue after contact re-established)
Ongoing issue, cause unknown or monitoring an unknown interface
Decrements stability and turns watch amber/red
1. Amber: Brief outage
Shown as an amber blip, these are brief outages which indicate the link being monitored went down and came up again very briefly between the times Highlight polled it. Highlight can tell this has happened because the device timestamps the last interface change, so if the state changed between consecutive successful polls there must have been a brief outage.
For example, if this link state timestamp had increased between the check at 00:00 and the check at 00:03, we know the line was briefly down between those times, even though it looked healthy both times we checked it.
For a brief outage blip to be drawn, the line must be down for less than the polling period. The outage may have lasted for a few seconds, a minute or more. When the line comes back up, it will take a short time for routing to settle down, the router to start passing packets again, then for any connections using it to timeout and retry, so the effective outage will be longer. Highlight counts each transient outage as one minute of downtime, which is a sensible estimate.
2. Red: Down
This is where we regain contact with the device after an outage and establish that the monitored link definitely went down. The mustard (ongoing) blips will turn red. Like other red issues, this counts as a formal outage on your watch, shown by a red blip and the comment 'Circuit reported as down.' The availability percentage for that watch will be decreased.
A red line also occurs if a period of non-contact ends in a device restart.
3. Maroon: Out of service
If the monitored link has been shut down deliberately on the device, the event is 'out of service.'
4. Turquoise: Configuration changed
This indicates a change in the configuration of the monitored device itself and is shown as a turquoise blip.
5. Black: Device restarted
This is where the monitored device has been powered off/on or restarted and is shown by a black blip. If the link itself was down before the device was restarted you will see red blips with the last blip being black. For more details see point 6 below (Red: Circuit reported as down).
6. Mint: Unknown
If the event type cannot be determined, the type is 'Unknown' (event type)
7. Blue: Not contactable
If the last change timestamp for the monitored interface hasn't changed when connection is re-established after connectivity problems, Highlight knows that the line has been up all the time and we simply lost contact because of a problem elsewhere on the network. Highlight marks these events by turning mustard blips to blue with the comment 'No data : Device not contactable.' There was no outage detected by the device, although it was not reachable from the Highlight platform. The availability percentage is not decreased unless the folder option to treat blue as an outage is set to Yes.
A blue blip will also be shown if Highlight was previously set to monitor an unknown interface; or if the device does not support the "last change" parameter, unless the period of non-contact ends in a device restart which would cause the mustard blips to turn red.
8. Mustard: Ongoing
When Highlight loses contact with the device it is monitoring, we treat the outage as an ongoing connectivity issue shown by a mustard blip. Only once Highlight reconnects with the device we check the last change timestamp for the monitored interface, which determines if:
the link went down whilst we were out of touch with it (the mustard colour changes to red 'down'); or
the link did not go down (the mustard colour changes to blue 'not contactable') - see next point 3; or
the period of non-contact ends in a device restart (the mustard colour changes to red 'down')
A mustard blip will also be shown if Highlight is set to monitor an unknown interface.
Background colours
Grey/White backgrounds - Business hours
By default, the chart shows non-business hours with a vertical grey background and business hours with a vertical white background on day and week views. Business hours are not shown on a month view. Toggle off to show alternate horizontal grey and white background areas.
Business hours are the time periods (to the nearest hour) that a business is operational. Highlight uses business hours when displaying charts on the Details page, filtering reporting results and generating alerts. Default values are 06:00 to 18:00 Monday through Friday with Saturday and Sunday excluded. However, you may see different settings if the business hours on a parent folder or location have been changed. Business hours reflect the local time zone for the location.
Any purple background areas on the chart show current and past maintenance periods. Watches in maintenance do not send alerts, change the colour of heat tiles or decrement the availability figure for the time period.