Show the graphs in half-hourly intervals, this will reset to default (1 hour) when you next log in
Sidebar Colour Coding
Today only
Colour coding applies to all sections on the Details page except Traffic Trend and Traffic Analysis (Flow and NBAR). There are no targets for Traffic Analysis data and thus it does not impact any heat tile colours. The indicator will always be green for today.
Overview - NBAR and Flow
Highlight supports bi-directional application visibility in one of two ways: via NBAR (Network-Based Application Recognition - Cisco only) or by Flow data (IPFIX, Cisco NetFlow v5 or v9, or Juniper J-Flow). These two technologies offer different pros and cons and these should be considered when selecting which application analysis tool to use.
Refer to the Understanding Flow page for a full explanation of the Flow Details page.
Agent-based, distributed and scalable
Highlight Flow uses distributed agents (collectors) which receive Flow data directly from network devices, store and aggregate the raw data locally, compress it, and send this reduced data stream to the core Highlight platform. By distributing both storage and compression, Highlight Flow can remain accurate but also very scalable. Normally a single agent is placed within an enterprise network, although organisations can deploy multiple agents at strategic locations within large networks or where flow traffic must be kept to an absolute minimum.
The flow collector agent can run on a physical or virtual server and the server specification required can be found here: Server Specifications. The minimum specification flow collector is capable of processing flow data from 20 flow sources. The flow collector software is free from Highlight but there may be Highlight licence considerations. Contact us for any questions regarding Flow.
The flow collector receives flow data from the customer routers via UDP port 9996 and once processed, posts this data every hour to Highlight, encrypted via HTTPS.
Examples of Highlight Application Visibility Graphs
Note the option to select Applications or Hosts in the side bar. Refer to the Understanding Flow page for more details.
NBAR does not have a Hosts option, but note the greater granularity of applications. On a day view, you can switch between hourly and 30 minute intervals.
Cisco routers can be configured to identify the ‘Unknown’ traffic. See the Highlight Support document for details on identifying 'Unknown' Applications