This page describes which options you might select for creating commonly requested reports. Where appropriate the report is based on a public template. The suggested report can be saved as a private template and scheduled, if required.
"Show me the top 20 circuits which are bursting beyond service speed" - Burst report
"Show me all circuits which have had an outage...and the number of outages" - Availability report
"Show me the effect of any manual exclusions on availability compared to SLA targets" - SLA Compliance report
Select Reporting, Network, and close any on screen report
Select the Public Template: Default - Burst Report
Change Results to Top 20
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against Under View by, select the time period and date then click to generate the report
The suggested selections and report will look like this:
Availability report
"Show me all circuits which have had an outage..."
Select Reporting, Network, and close any on screen report
Select the Public Template: Default - Link Availability
Under the Filter drop-down select Availability
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against Under View by, select the time period and date then click to generate the report
The suggested selections and report will look like this, unless there have been no outages in which case you will get a blank table with the message "No data available in table"
"...and the number of outages"
The additional columns will look similar to this
Using the previous report settings, also select Show: "Exceptions (hh:mm, count)"
Run the report again. There are 3 additional columns for Exceptions with a count of the number of issues in the reporting time period. Note: The count is the number of transitions from green. If the watch is non-green at the beginning of the reporting period the count does not increment, which allows for reports to be accumulated without duplicating outages.
"Show me the effect of any manual exclusions on availability compared with SLA targets"
Select Reporting, Network, and close any on screen report
Under the On: drop-down menu, select SLA Compliance
Sort by "Availability"; Results as "All Results"; and reduce Show selections if required
If Filter drop-down is light blue, remove any filter currently set
In the Network Tree or under For: select the folder, location or container to run the report against Under View by, select the time period and date then click to generate the report
The suggested selections and report will look like this
The background on Operational and Adjusted availability turns red if it's below the SLA target for the watch. This red background appears in the downloaded report if RTF or DOCX formats are chosen. Reports can also be scheduled to arrive in your inbox each day, week or month.
Users with the Manage maintenance permission can manually exclude events from the adjusted availability figure. This is useful if a maintenance period occurred but was not scheduled in advance or if an incident happened which was not the fault of the service provider. Find out more about excluding events from availability calculations.
If no manual exclusions have been made for the selected time period of the report, then both Exclusions and Adjusted show N/A.
Non-responding devices
"Show me a list of bearers that are not currently responding" User permission needed: View 'Admin' reports
Select Reporting, Network
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against
Click on the "Watch Report" button on the grey path bar to download it
Sort the report by "last Good Sample" (column X)
Filter out "Collect Data"=0 (column T)
All watches listed with a date prior to today are those not responding and need troubleshooting.
The Watch Report will look similar to this:
Performance tests not running
"Show me all performance tests that are not running"
For this exercise a separate report will need to be run for each report type configured under the desired folder
Select Reporting, Network, and close any on screen report
Under "On" select "ICMP, TCP and UDP Echo Tests"
Leave Sort by as "Within-Target"; Results as "All Results"; and also Show selections (12)
Clear any selections under Filter
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against Under View by, select the time period and date then click to generate the report
All entries displaying 0.00 % under "% Within Target", and 0 under "Delay Average" are those not running on the router and need troubleshooting.
Repeat the above for voice and precision tests by selecting the appropriate report under "On"
The suggested report will look similar to this:
Class of Service by Volume
"Show me an activity report on one of my classes of service"
Select Reporting, Network
Select the Public Template: Default - Class of Service Utilisation (Business hours) - Note: use text filter for required class name
Change Sort to "Volume"
Under Show selections (7), select "Volume" and any other columns required
Under Filter type in the class name required, e.g. Priority
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against. Under View by, select the time period and date
Then click to generate the report
The suggested selection and report will look like this:
Cellular Clarity usage
Highlight records cell tower ID, network name and radio technology for Cellular Clarity watches at every poll and counts the number of changes on a week or month view. This summarised information is now available in reporting by choosing a Cellular Circuits report and including columns for Count of Changes and List of Changes.
This is useful if you receive notice that certain cell towers have planned maintenance and want to check which cellular services are likely to be affected. The list shows all cell tower IDs seen during the time period. Hover to see all or download the report to a CSV to search for a particular ID number.
Cradlepoint: Tower changes are not reported in Highlight as the data is not provided by the device
"Show me which cell towers my cellular services are using"
Select Reporting, Network
Select On: Cellular Circuits
Change Sort to "Count of Changes - Tower"
Under Show selections (5), include "Count of Changes", "List of Changes" and any other columns required
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against. Under View by, select the time period and date
Then click to generate the report
The suggested selection and report will look like this:
Contact us for information on how to enable Cellular Clarity your services.
Hardware list/serial numbers/licences
"Show me what equipment I have in Highlight"
Select Reporting, Inventory
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against
  Download the on screen report. The hardware can be found in column D and the serial number, if availabile, in column K
The suggested selection and report will look like this:
Watch creation or changes
"Show me when a particular circuit was added or changed in Highlight" For this example I will use watch "Singapore_router"
Select Reporting, Audit Log
In the "Filter by type" drop-down, deselect all types other than Watches/controllers, and click Apply
In "Search events" type in: Singapore_router
Change Start date to include the period of search required
  Click search
Page through to find the desired entry, or   Download the on screen report if finer searching is required
The suggested selection and report will look like this:
Logins list
"Show me a summary of who has been logging on to Highlight" User permission needed: View 'Logins' report
Select Reporting, Audit Log
In the Network Tree select the folder to run the report against
Click on the "Logins" button on the grey path bar
Use this option to generate a CSV report showing user login details.
The report will look like this:
Flow configured devices not accumulating data
"Show me all Flow watches that have no up-to-date data"
Select Reporting, Network
In the Network Explorer Tree select the folder to run the report against
Click on the "Watch Report" button on the grey path bar to download it
Filter "Watch Type" for just NetFlow (column F)
Sort the report by "Last Good Sample" (column X)
All Flow watches listed with a date prior to today are those not posting results and need troubleshooting.
The Watch Report will look similar to this. Several columns have been hidden: